19 research outputs found

    Politeness Strategies Used by the Main Character in a Letter to Juliet Movie

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    The study deals with the types of politeness strategies used by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie. The objectives of study are to find out type of politeness strategies used by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie, to derive the dominant type of politeness strategy that is produced by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie and to elaborate the context of politeness strategies used by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie. The data are dialogue of the main character in a letter to Juliet movie. This research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative design and only focused on the main character. The research findings are positive and negative politeness strategies. There are fifteen strategies of positive politeness and twelve strategies of negative politeness in a letter to Juliet movie. The most dominant politeness strategy uttered by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie was positive politeness strategy. Among them is intensify interest to hearer is dominant type of positive politeness strategy. This type of politeness strategy occurred since character mostly just shared about her experience and inform to other

    Penerapan Metode Analitical Hierarcy Process (Ahp) Untuk Appointment System Pada Sistem Informasi Konsultan Psikolog Berbasis Website

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    Tekanan sosial yang semakin banyak diera sekarang ini, menyebabkan stres dan depresi. Sekarang ini tingkat stress dan depresi dikalangan remaja dan anak-anak juga meningkat. Dilihat dari akun instagram resmi tangerang yaitu, @abouttng. Kasus bunuh diri, kekerasan dan sakit jiwa semakin banyak dan dikhawatirkan akan terus menigkat. Oleh karenanya dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu sistem informasi konsultan psikolog yang dapat memberikan suatu solusi dalam pemilihan psikolog sesuai dengan keriteria yaitu kategori, tempat, waktu dan pengalaman. Tujuan dibuatnya aplikasi ini adalah agar dapat menjadi wadah atau fasilitas penghubung antara pasien dan psikolog yang sesuai dengan kriteria pasien tanpa harus bertatap muka secara langsung. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analitical Hirarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dikatakan mendekati akurat sebab rasio akurasi yang dihasilkan CR<0,100 untuk pemilihan psikolog sesuai kriteria perbandingan AHP yang dipilih pasien dan lebih cepat dibandingkan pemilihan secara manual

    Focal Mechanism and Parameter of Volcano-Tectonic Earthquake Source, in Mount Guntur, West Java

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v6i1.111Guntur Volcano in West Java is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. The last eruption took place in 1847 and the volcanic activity has been dormant since then, however its seismicity is active. During the period of July to October 2009, the hypocenter distribution of VT earthquakes is mostly located at western flank of the volcano, beneath Guntur - Gandapura craters at the depth of less than 5 km. The depth pattern shows deeper to the northwest. The VT earthquakes deeper than 5 km were not found in this period. The focal mechanism of VT earthquakes are oblique normal fault, strike-slip fault and oblique reverse fault types. The mechanism of those earthquakes is not uniquely determined probably due to complicated structures at Guntur volcano complex area, which is aligned in NW-SE direction. T-axis of the oblique normal fault is trending in northwest - southeast direction similar to the structures found in the summit area of Gunung Guntur Volcano. Similarly, one of the strike-slip fault nodal line and P-axis of oblique reverse fault are also trending in northwest - southeast. Ploting of the earthquake source parameters (seismic moment, corner frequency, and stress drop) made to hypocenter distance shows no significant difference on those parameters between earthquakes at close and far distances to Kabuyutan station. It is probably due to the hypocenters are not concentrated in one zone. Meanwhile, the relationship between seismic moment (Mo) and seismic source radius (r) shows that for earthquakes with moment of smaller than 1018 dyne cm, the radius of the hypocenter is constant which is namely 60 m

    Emergence of Lava Dome From the Crater Lake of Kelud Volcano, East Java

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v4i4.83Kelud Volcano (+1731 m) in East Java is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in Indonesia. A large lake occupies the summit crater. Historical eruptions generally only lasted for a very short time, mostly no longer than a few hours. The outburst is usually accompanied by pyroclastic flows. On August 2007, the activity of the volcano was initiated by the increase of the temperature of lake water and the change of the colour from typical green to yellow. Activities of the volcano are discussed following the swarms of volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes on September 10th, September 26th to 29th, and October 24th to November 2nd. On September 26th to 29th, hypocentral distribution of those VT shifted from 5 km deep to just beneath the crater. The highest number of VT earthquakes occurred on November 1st attaining 50 events, then followed by a swarm of B-type events, where the number reached 1437 events in a day. The volcanic activity peaked on November 3rd when seismic records became saturated, which then was preceded by a sharp increase of lake temperature and a sudden deflation of radial tilt. It suggests that the lava extrusion forming a lava dome was taking place

    Tectonic Model of Bali Island Inferred From GPS Data

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.5.1.81-91Seven periods of GPS campaign have been conducted for three years since March 2013 - October 2015 on fourteen GPS sites across Bali Island. The GAMIT/GLOBK 10.6 version was used to compute data with respect for thirteen reference sites of International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2008 surrounding Bali. The result shows that horizontal displacement varies between 1.93 and 22.53 mm/yr dominantly northeastward. Vertical displacement ranges at -184.34 to 33.79 mm/yr. The result of modeling using Coulomb 3.3 version indicates the deformation in Bali was mostly contributed by subduction at the southern part, West and East Flores Back-Arc Thrust at the north, Lombok Strait Fault and a fault at the eastern coast of Bali with the estimation maximum magnitude of 7.1, 6.6, 6.8, 5.8, and 5.2, respectively

    Studi Awal Estimasi Dosis Internal 177lu-dota Trastuzumab pada Manusia Berbasis Uji Biodistribusi pada Mencit

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    STUDI AWAL ESTIMASI DOSIS INTERNAL 177Lu-DOTA TRASTUZUMAB PADA MANUSIA BERBASIS UJI BIODISTRIBUSI PADA MENCIT. Radiofarmaka baru untuk pengobatan penyakit kanker payudara tipe HER-2, 177Lu-DOTA Trastuzumab, telah berhasil diproduksi oleh Pusat Teknologi Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka (PTRR) BATAN. Demi keamanan produk dan keselamatan pasien, radiofarmaka baru tersebut perlu dilengkapi dengan data studi dosis internal yang dilakukan setelah uji praklinis pada hewan coba selesai. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan estimasi dosis pada pasien yang dihitung berdasarkan data uji biodistribusi pada mencit. Studi Uji biodistribusi dilakukan pada 25 ekor mencit dan diamati biodistribusinya pada organ-organ, diantaranya otak, Perut, usus, jantung , ginjal, hati, paru-paru, otot, tulang, limpa dan kandung kemih. Pengamatan cacahan organ dilakukan pada jam ke 1, 2, 3, 4, 24, 48 pasca injeksi radiofarmaka 177Lu DOTA-Trastuzumab sebesar 100mCi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji biodistribusi adalah % ID/gram organ tikus, kemudian dilakukan konversi perhitungan ke % ID/gram organ manusia. Untuk mengestimasi dosis ke manusia, hasil %ID/gram organ tersebut dipakai sebagai input pada software dosimetri internal OLINDA/EXM, dengan cara melakukan plotting %ID/gram versus waktu, yang akan menghasilkan residence time di masing-masing organ. Setelah residence time diperoleh, dosis internal radiasi pada masing-masing organ dan seluruh tubuh dapat diketahui. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa tiga organ yang memiliki dosis internal tertinggi 177Lu DOTA Trastuzumab adalah : paru-paru, hati dan ovarium dengan dosis masing-masing 0,063; 0,046 dan 0,025 mSv/MBq. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil estimasi dosis internal radiasi total yang diperoleh manusia pada penyuntikan radiofarmaka 177Lu-DOTA Trastuzumab adalah 0.21 mSv/MBq

    Analisis Perilaku Sosial Pengguna Moda Transportasi Perkotaan: Studi Kasus Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) DKI Jakarta

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    After going through a long process, in March 2019, Jakarta resident have Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) as a modern mass transportation mode. The presence of the MRT planned since 1986 is expected to be one of the solution to dealing with the heavy traffic in Jakarta that seemed impossible to handle. The problems that followed is MRT passenger behaviour is not prepared with all the regulations that must be enacted in the use of MRT, so that various violations of the regulations are found. This paper attempts to find factors that cause regulatory violations and factor that lead to changes in passenger behaviour in addressing MRT presences based on literature, big data, and qualitative descriptive analysis. It is also expected to be able to provide recommendations that can be given with an emphasis on social aspects. Studies are conducted using secondary data on passenger behaviour in MRT and the facility obtained from various sources and observations. Studies describe social phenomena occurring in communities where MRT trials are caused by culture and people's readiness to use new technologies, and the existence of the MRT since one year of operation is able to change people's behavior